Some limited availability produce arrived today, I though you folks should know about it!

The Malus
Domestica is a cold hardy apple with a sweet/ tart, rich aromatic
flavor. It's pink to light yellow skin and pink flesh are truly unique
characteristics among apples. There is a small window of opportunity
every year for you to latch on, so don't delay! Add to cart
Other really cool items? Organic Seedless Thomcord Grapes
Add to cart, Kiwi Berries
Add to cart, Green Goose Pluots, Baby Arugula and more.
Some other items priced to move: Jacob's Raw Organic Salad Dressings (Totally oil free!) I have Italian and Cucumber-Mint $3.99/12 oz. Roasted Red Pepper Creamy Goat Cheese from Vermont Creamery. $2.29/4 oz. Organic Tri Tip Steaks $4.29/8 oz.

Check out our new Soup and Half Wrap Combo too. It's priced at a cool $6.50, and can be ready super quick. The soup and half wrap special changes daily, so keep and eye out for it!
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